Memory Test 3D


About Memory Test 3D

Challenge your brain and put your memory to the test with Memory Test 3D, a thrilling and immersive maze-solving game that demands sharp focus and a keen mind. In this game, you find yourself inside a complex maze, and your goal is to navigate through it using your memory and problem-solving skills. The twist? You only have five seconds to view the map, making each move a true test of your brainpower.

How to Play 

  • Observe the map: You get five seconds to memorize the layout of the maze.
  • Navigate with precision: Use WASD to move and your mouse to look around.
  • Escape if needed: Press the escape button to return to the main menu if you get lost or forget the map layout.

The game pushes you to rely on your memory to make it to the end of the maze. Every turn counts, and one wrong move can leave you lost, adding an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the gameplay.

Key Features 

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